Those of you who attended the recent Headlines and Deadlines fan party in London will probably recognise our next interviewee, a number of you mentioned him so we thought that we'd try and get a quick chat with him and find out what life is like for a Morten 'lookalike'...
Name: Scott Harvey Age: 31 Lives: Southampton, UK Job: Accomodation on cruise ship

Q:What is the best/worst thing about looking like Morten?
A:I can honestly say that a lot more bad has come from having a resemblance to Morten than good. I have actually had to put up with more shit from people who don't appreciate a-ha.
Q:Can you sing like Morten?
A:Only in the shower, and the water has to be cold enough for me to hit the high notes in 'Take On Me'!! Seriously, no, I cannot sing like Morten.
Q:Are you an a-ha fan, if so, how long have you been one?
A:I have been an a-ha fan since 'The Sun Always Shines On TV'. I first heard the song when they performed it on 'Top Of The Pops' in 1986.
Q:You are obviously a Morten Harket lookalike, do you actively set out to look like him or is it just coincidence?
A:I don't actively go out of my way to look like him. I'm usually told by people who don't like a-ha that I look like the lead singer of the band, so I was amazed to hear from actual a-ha fans at the UK fanclub party when they also thought I looked like him.