Q:How did the idea of the party originate? A:Our fanclub has been running for 10 years now, and out of those years we have held 3 get-togethers for our members, with the last being held a few years ago. We have always had the intention of holding another get-together, but we wanted to do something a little different. A few months ago we were promted by one of our members to see if it would be possible to hold a party, and we came to the conclusion that this was what we were looking for. Q:How long has it taken to do all the organisation? A:The organisation started around the end of May, beginning of June. We first contacted all our members to see if there would be enough interest in holding a fan club party. During this time we recieved quite a few emails from our members asking if they could bring non-members with them, which we agreed to (because at the end of the day we all like the same band!). This gave us the idea of advertising the party on a-ha's official website. The response was very good, and out of the suggested dates the majority could make Saturday 6th October. From there we went to look for a venue. After contacting a few locations & finding that their hire price alone was quite expensive, we came upon the Extra Time Bar. Even though this is just a bar, they have floors you can hire for very reasonable prices. We went ahead & booked The Basement Bar. Q:What are your hopes for the party? A:Our hopes are just for the fans to have a really good time. This is a prime opportunity for fans to get together where they have a chance to talk about a band that we all love and admire, as well as the chance to eat, drink & be merry! |