VIKINGS Ok, no points for this one!! But did you know that the Vikings were more than capable seamen who discovered America centuries before Colombus. They also set foot on Iceland (probably) before anyone else and colonised Dublin in Ireland and York in England. Dressed in skins and rough cloth, wearing iron helmets and covered in fleas and lice, they burned and raped, pillaged and murdered throughout most of Europe. Hmmm, nice picture! No wonder most of England prayed "Deliver us, oh God, from the rage of the Vikings." THOR HEYERDAHL (1914 - ) Is one of the best known explorers of our time. On the raft "Kon-Tiki", he sailed from South America to Polynesia to prove that the Indians could have undertaken this journey centuries before. In the same way, on the papyrus boat "Ra", he demonstrated that man could have crossed the Atlantic in ancient times. EDVARD GRIEG (1843 - 1907) The composer best known for "Morning" from the first of the two "Peer Gynt" suites. Grieg uses the sounds and harmonies of Norwegian folk music. His A minor concerto is on the repertoire of many famous pianists. BERGEN The capital of the western fjords and home of the composer Edvard Grieg. It has one of the oldest symphony orchestras in the World and is well known for its annual Bergen International Music Festival. 
NATIONAL AND FOLK COSTUMES Norwegian national costumes have existed for approximately 100 years and are the result of a conscious effort to conserve old dress traditions in rural areas of Norway. In contrast with national costumes, folk costumes were everyday wear in farming communities and fishing villages. Today, only Sami costumes are genuine folk costumes. They are worn daily by Sami people all over the Arctic region, and by Sami reindeer farmers in more southerly parts of Norway. EUROVISION SONG CONTEST Hmmm, lets not dwell on this one !! ROALD AMUNDSEN (1872 - 1928) Celebrated as the first person to have reached the South Pole. He was also the first person to sail through the North-West Passage, north of Canada. KNUT HAMSEN (1859 - 1952) Nobel Prize for Literature winner in 1920. Author of the following major works, "Hunger", "Pan" and "Victoria". One of Morten's favourite authors, I believe. FJORDS The coastline of Norway is broken by narrow fjords which can reach up to 200 kilometres inland. The fjords and the surrounding mountains which rise steeply from the water to a height of over 1000 metres, are among Norway's most popular tourist attractions. |